

作为一个基督徒, 天主教, 和本笃会团体, MG冰球突破试玩完全致力于维护和捍卫每个人的尊严,因为每个人都是按照上帝的形象和样式创造的. 那些在MG冰球突破试玩社区内遭受不公平待遇或不公正歧视的人特别值得大学的照顾和关注.

根据它的使命, the University of Mary also upholds 和 enforces applicable requirements of civil law.


Gathered below is important information regarding:

  1. 第九条 (which deals with instances of sex discrimination 和 性骚扰, 包括性暴力),
  2. 的 行为申诉委员会 (which considers other serious grievances),
  3. Fair Treatment Policy 和 Procedures for Students of the University,
  4. Fair Treatment Policy 和 Procedures for Employees of the University,
  5. 天主教社会训导 & 种族歧视
  6. 无障碍服务- ADA
  7. A Compendium of Policies Regarding the Dignity of the Human Person
  8. 提交不当行为报告表格

第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. §1681)禁止对接受联邦财政援助的教育机构的学生和雇员进行性别歧视. 符合第九条, the University of Mary prohibits sex discrimination in all programs, 活动, 和就业.

“在美国,任何人不得, 以性别为基础, 被排除在…之外, 被剥夺…的利益, 或在接受联邦财政援助的任何教育计划或活动中受到歧视." 20 U.S.C. § 1681

MG冰球突破试玩已经满了 第九条 Sex Nondiscrimination Policy, Grievance Procedure, 和 Process


第九条 applies to every aspect of federally funded education programs. Areas covered by 第九条 include access to higher education, 招生, 体育运动, 职业生涯教育, 对怀孕和育儿学生的教育, 就业, 学习环境, 数学和科学, 性骚扰, 标准化考试, 和技术.

Additional information about 第九条 和 体育运动 can be found at the NCAA标题IX资源页.


第九条 also prohibits 性骚扰, which includes sexual assault 和 sexual violence.


第九条 protects the rights of men as well as the rights of women. 第九条 requires that men 和 women receive fair 和 equal treatment in all areas of education.


第九条 protects those who report misconduct from retaliation. 举报歧视对第九条的执行很重要,如果对举报者的报复得不到解决,就不鼓励举报.


的 University of Mary maintains an online reporting system for misconduct under 第九条. 的 following form may be used to file reports of misconduct prohibited under university policy.



的 United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is charged with comprehensive higher education enforcement of 第九条. 信息.

Further inquiries regarding 第九条 may be directed to:

民权办公室| U.S. 教育部(芝加哥办事处)
500 W. 麦迪逊圣.1475套房 芝加哥,伊利诺伊州60661-7204
电话: 312-730-1560

行为申诉委员会的目的是监督调查和解决所有正式投诉,指控MG冰球突破试玩以下任何政策中的不当行为, which may be found in full below under "大学政策 Regarding the Dignity of the Human Person”:

  • 歧视及骚扰政策
  • 被欺侮的政策
  • 报复的政策
  • 不当性行为政策 (sexual misconduct which may not fall under 第九条)

MG冰球突破试玩在行为申诉委员会的管辖下维护着一个不当行为的在线报告系统. See “在线 提交不当行为报告表格,” below.

A full description of the process 和 procedures of the 行为申诉委员会.

MG冰球突破试玩鼓励任何认为自己受到不公正对待的学生通过学校为此目的制定的政策和程序寻求解决问题的办法. Please see the compendium of University policies regarding the dignity of the human person, below. 的 学生手册 also has a helpful section on student grievances 和 appeals.

所有其他投诉, 纠纷, 和 differences of opinion are dealt with through a process outlined in the 学生公平待遇政策.


MG冰球突破试玩鼓励任何认为自己受到不公正对待的员工通过学校为此目的制定的政策和程序寻求解决问题的办法. Please see the compendium of University policies regarding the dignity of the human person, below.

所有其他投诉, 纠纷, 和 differences of opinion are dealt with through a process outlined in the 员工公平待遇政策.


本笃会仆人式领导中心, Room L210
大学道7500号 俾斯麦,ND 58504

作为一个基督徒, 天主教, 和本笃会团体, MG冰球突破试玩完全致力于维护和捍卫每个人的尊严,因为每个人都是按照上帝的形象和样式创造的. 那些在MG冰球突破试玩社区内遭受不公平待遇或不公正歧视的人特别值得大学的照顾和关注.

In confronting racial discrimination or racial theory 和 ideology, MG冰球突破试玩有意识地利用比当代身份政治更深刻、更持久的资源. Consideration of racism is grounded in fundamental beliefs rooted in the University’s mission:

  • the equal dignity of all human persons, created in God’s image;
  • the universal brotherhood/sisterhood of the human 比赛; 和
  • 基督救赎所有的人.

天主教教理 解释一下:

男人的平等主要取决于他们作为人的尊严和由此产生的权利:“在个人基本权利方面,基于性别的一切形式的社会或文化歧视, 比赛, color, 社会条件, 语言, or religion must be curbed 和 eradicated as incompatible with God’s design” (1935年¶引用 快看,快看 29§2).

的 Pontifical Council for Justice 和 Peace, in the 《MG冰球突破试玩》, 进一步指出“任何种族主义和种族歧视的理论或形式在道德上都是不可接受的”(¶433)。. And the 天主教 bishops of our country have noted that “racism is not merely one sin among many, 它是分裂人类大家庭的根本罪恶。”(我们的兄弟姐妹们, ¶39).

此外, MG冰球突破试玩接受美国天主教主教会议(USCCB) 2018年反对种族主义的牧函: 敞开心扉:对爱的永恒呼唤. 事实上, the University was in communication with the USCCB during the drafting of this document, 大学董事会的一名成员参与准备并向USCCB提交草案,以供其通过和发布.

因此,MG冰球突破试玩在种族歧视问题上的立场植根于并基于基督教更广泛的教义, 而不是任何关于这个关键问题的机构声明或宣言, including isolated commentary regarding current events or instances of social unrest. 大学的机构本能和责任是在我们的校园和整个周边社区维护这种教学的完整性, to provide meaningful 和 effective venues for education 和 dialogue about human equality 和 dignity, 和 to firmly 和 fairly address concrete instances of racism within the university community.

To that end, policies 和 procedures are in place under the University’s 歧视及骚扰政策学生公平待遇政策员工公平待遇政策 那些认为自己在MG冰球突破试玩遭受过种族歧视的人可以借此表达关注或提出申诉.

的 University of Mary also maintains a st和ing Task Force for 天主教社会训导, 多样性, 和包容, chaired by a member of the University’s Board of Regents.  This task force plans 和 coordinates educational programming, 进行和分析校园气候调查, 和 sponsors events in celebration of human life 和 dignity.  可通过写信与工作组取得联系 diversity@0211123.com.

“在一个有序而富有成效的社区里, it is a fundamental principle that every human being is a 'person' . . . 有权利和义务 . . . flowing directly 和 spontaneously from one’s very nature. 的se rights are therefore universal, inviolable 和 inalienable."

——教皇圣. 约翰二十三世,和平共处

每个人与生俱来的不可动摇的尊严源于一个基本真理,即所有的人都是按照上帝的形象和样式造的.  天主教大学特别有责任维护所有残疾人的尊严, who are often invisibly ostracized 和 made to feel less dignified because of their disability.  模仿耶稣, who dedicated much of His ministry to the disabled 和 the poor, we should give preferential care to those in our community with special needs.

学生无障碍服务 确保残疾学生有平等的机会充分参与大学的课程和服务. For more information or for further assistance, visit 我们的网页 或打电话 701-355-8264. 学生无障碍服务位于主校区焊工图书馆下层的学生成功中心内.

大学热烈欢迎符合条件的残疾人士申请我们所有学术课程的入学. 要申请或了解更多有关录取过程的信息,请联系MG冰球突破试玩招生处 701-355-8210.

最后, 大学为合资格的残疾人士提供平等的就业机会,并努力为有特殊需要或住宿记录的员工提供强有力的支持和接纳和鼓励的氛围. 有关更多信息,请参阅 员工手册 或与人力资源部联系 701-355-8245.

的 following forms may be used to file reports of misconduct prohibited under university policy.



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本笃会仆人式领导中心, Room L403
大学道7500号 俾斯麦,ND 58504